
Webinar: Lifetime risks and unfavourable examples

Discover remedies to poor cable installation practices which shorten the lifetime of solar installations.

Solar installations are built for an average lifetime of 25 years. Yet there are numerous factors and unfavourable practices that reduce lifetime and bring about a fall in yield.

Georg Neureiter, an expert in cable management solutions for PV installations, discusses these factors in detail and outlines how you can remedy the situation to achieve the highest efficiency over the 25 year lifetime.

Environmental aging, for instance, is one factor, and that’s why it’s important to use cable solutions that are suited to conditions. Grounding faults and cut cables are just two of the consequences of poor practices.

The webinar offers you insights into unfavourable practices so that you can avoid mistakes, and allows you to better understand factors impacting lifetime.

Whether you are an operator or an installer, it pays to talk to our Team Sunshine and find out how we can increase the efficiency of your solar installation through suitable solutions and best practices.

Webinar: LCOE and hidden costs
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