
HellermannTyton in Australia


HellermannTyton Pte Ltd is a Multinational Corporation serving the Asia Pacific region since 1981. HellermannTyton operates production and corporate facilities in Singapore, Korea, China and Japan, Sales and Distribution operations in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

More than 450 people are employed within HellermannTyton Asia-Pacific, focusing on providing high-quality services. Customer satisfaction is our first priority!

Workers in production hall Workers in production hall

A wide range of injection moulding products are manufactured at our Singapore site - from tried and tested standard cable ties to complex products for specific applications and tailor-made developments for our customers. Research and development being a major part of the operation facilities.

HellermannTyton Australia Office

The highest standards of development and production are brought together under one roof. Our friendly and competent sales and logistics experts are on hand to ensure that you can always count on us, whatever your requirements may be.

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Please click here to send us your questions. We will answer your request as soon as possible!
